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애틀랜타 지역 커뮤니티 게시판

Operation Management Personnel 을 찿습니다

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저희 본사 사세확장에 의해서 Operation Management Personnel 를 찿습니다.

경력 및 능력 위주로 면접이 진행됩니다.

많은 지원을 부탁 드립니다.


Major with Engineer or Business Management

Postion: Entery Level, Assistance Manager, and Manager position

Please write down you desired position with salary requirements

Manager postion must have working experience with 100 people +

Salary Neg. 

Work place:


Electro Tech Services, Inc.

7201 Intermodal Drive

Louisville, Kentucky


Please send your cover letter (English & Korean) and resume to:





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