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필라델피아 지역 커뮤니티 게시판

다우김패밀리재단 미주한인협회(CKA) 공공서비스인턴쉽 프로그램에 25만불 기부

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다우김패밀리재단(Dow Kim Family Foundation)이 워싱턴 소재 미주한인협의회(CKA) 공공서비스인턴쉽 프로그램에 25만불의 기부금을 보내왔다고 어제 8일 밝혔다.  

Council of Korean Americans (CKA) is pleased to announce a $250,000 charitable contribution from the Dow Kim Family Foundation towards the CKA-KALCA Public Service Internship Program over a five-year period (2019-2023).
The Dow Kim Family Foundation’s gift will enable CKA to continue building a pipeline of Korean American leaders in public and private sectors.

Since the program's founding in 2016, the CKA-KALCA Public Service Internship Program has supported more than 70 college students and aspiring public servants, placing them in prestigious government and public sector internships throughout Washington, DC and New York City. CKA provides a generous stipend for every student, as well as weekly leadership training and closed-door mentoring opportunities with senior leaders in Washington, DC and New York City.
In 2016, CKA merged with the Korean American League for Civic Action (KALCA) to form the CKA-KALCA Public Service Internship Program.
A former top executive at Merrill Lynch and Chairman & CEO of PT Sarabau Mas Group, Dow Kim has been a longtime champion of Korean American causes.
“Dow Kim and his family have a tremendous heart and passion for helping the Korean American community,” said Paul Kim, Board Chair of CKA. “We are inspired by his personal humility and reinvigorated by his strategic long-term commitment to our community."

“This generous support will allow us to expand the life-changing training given to our emerging Korean American leaders through the CKA-KALCA Public Service Internship Program,” said Dr. Abraham Kim, Executive Director of CKA. “We are excited that many more lives will be impacted by this program through the generosity of the Dow Kim Family Foundation.”
Please see below for a Q&A with Dow Kim regarding his foundation’s generous donation:

Tell us about your heart for the Korean American community.
Dow Kim (DK): “I genuinely would like to see more Korean Americans assimilate, succeed, and become leaders in all areas of the profession and public service so that we can become economically, culturally, and politically stronger as a voice and a group in this country. In this regard, I established my family foundation for the sole purpose of playing a small part in trying to better and empower the lives of under-resourced Korean Americans in the areas of education, social services, and arts & culture. My family foundation has been pursuing its activities through a combination of long-term financial commitments and advisory role with a handful of Korean American nonprofit organizations.”
What excites you about CKA?
DK: “I am attracted to CKA because it is a well-established national organization with a unique leadership-oriented membership format, and importantly, because I can clearly identify and align myself with its missions and goals. The fact that the organization is made up of accomplished and diverse but like-minded leaders in all different professions who are collectively trying to accomplish the same goal of wanting to attain a stronger status for the Korean American community in this country is admirable. I very much look forward to meeting with other members to share our experiences and ideas toward the goal of promoting this worthy cause.”
What factors contributed to your family foundation's decision to make this important contribution to the CKA-KALCA Public Service Internship Program?
DK: “I believe we are going to see an increasing number of Korean American leaders emerge and play a prominent role in the public sector in this country. The CKA-KALCA Public Service Internship program is a well-designed, comprehensive leadership development program which affords future leaders of our community with the opportunity to participate in summer internships, together with leadership development training and mentoring. Being a strong believer in the importance of higher education and leadership development myself, my family foundation decided to financially support the program for a multi-year period, in the hopes that, along with other supporters, CKA can make this important program sustainable and expansionary going forward.”

About Dow Kim
Dow Kim is a Private Investor and the Chairman & CEO of privately-owned companies of PT Sarabau Mas Group. Dow was the President of Global Markets & Investment Banking and a member of the Executive Management Committee at Merrill Lynch (2003 -2007). Dow has served as a Trustee for the Asia Society (2006 - 2009) and a Board Trustee for the Marymount School of New York (2005 - 2014). He earned his Bachelor’s in Accounting and Finance and Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
About Dow Kim Family Foundation
Dow Kim Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization engaged in philanthropic activities in the areas of education, social services, and arts & culture with a primary focus to help empower the lives of under-served and under-resourced Korean Americans.
About Council of Korean Americans
The Council of Korean Americans (CKA) is a national nonprofit organization that advances the voice, interest, and influence of the Korean American community. We achieve these aims through education, coalition-building, and leadership development. For our members, we connect, inspire, and equip them for greater impact and more active public engagement.


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